Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our growing boy.

I cannot believe it has already been 2 months since Austin was born. He has changed so much over the past 2 months, and so have our lives. The past 8 weeks have been some of the hardest and happiest of my life. The first 3-4 were mostly hard. I'm still mad at all the mothers I know for now telling me how hard it was going to be. Or maybe they did, I just didn't listen. But now that I've gotten better at this and he's sleeping for longer chunks at a time, life is pretty dang good. Overall, Austin is a very good baby. He smiles a lot, sleeps pretty well for an 8 week old, and is growing like crazy!! Here are some pictures from the past 2 months:

2 weeks. Adorable and exhausting. He's only sleeping for about 1-2 hours at a time.

3 weeks. Starting to be more alert and interested during awake times.

1 month. First day at Church. He's pretty excited.

6 weeks. He attended his first Jazz game and LOVED it. Jazz played the Timberwolves on St. Patrick's Day.

2 months. Already so grown up. Rock Chalk Jayhawk! (First time he smiled for the camera!)


Em said...

He's adorable. Sorry it's hard. It gets better in a couple of months and stays that way till he learns to walk. You're such awesome parents. Can't wait to meet the boy. Em, Claire, and Jax

Mari said...

Oh so cute! I especially love that last picture of him. He is getting so big!

Tawnya said...

Oh man he is getting so big! What a little cutie!